This week, in between all the normal hustle & bustle, I have tasked myself with the job of organizing my craft space. I have recently acquired an empty room in our house, but this room is also going to need to allow a guest of two stay here comforatbly so I am trying to consolidate things so that I do not hog up the whole room! This is what I achieved:
Ribbon, oh my the ribbon was out of control - I have a small collection compared to most (80 different spools) I consolidated that massive basket of ribbon to one 8.5" x 11" plastic drawer - amazing, makes me want to go and get some more (he, he, he.....). I just cut chip board at 2x2.5 and wrapped it around like floss. Then I cut a piece of chipboard 2x9" and taped it into the drawer to provide some seperation in the drawer.

I had an organizer on my desk that had, well JUNK in it, I have used that to store my copics freeing up valuable drawer space. This method is housing my small but growing collection of copics - I have 85 so far........
Paper...well that is a work in progress. I bought these organizers from Michael's and have 10 different baskets to sort and organize which is nice - just might need 2, or 3 more. But I like the concept as I can just pull out a tray to work with and then put it back. I hope that my organization concepts help someone. If you have any organization ideas please let me know......